
Women's Day_妇女节英语作文300字

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Women's Day_妇女节英语作文300字

Today is March 8, International Women's Day is to commemorate the world of working women to fight for peace and democracy, women's liberation struggle holiday.

Since yesterday, I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday. I would first make a suggestion: "Give my mother to buy a new phone." Dad thought for a moment, said: "Mom bought a mobile phone soon, you can use, there is no need to change." Dad said: "We go out to buy some cosmetics, her mother there." I am opposed to: "Mom's cosmetics too much, many of which are not all useful." My Father and I are anxious, and in the end what got her point? We simply asked her what he wanted bar. But my mother said: "I do not want to buy, I just want to sleep." I do not know why my mother this way, but I know my mother is very hard to control more than 300 college students, daytime talk, meetings, writing papers, fill out information and give students lessons, etc. in the evening and students should check the study up the bedroom. If it is me, I would like the mother, in addition to want to sleep, the other wants to do nothing.

However, I and Dad are determined to give my mother, "International Women's Day" gifts, things came back to buy her mother was shocked at my father bought a goggles and a pillow, my mother smiled.

I wish Mom "Women's Day" Happy!

相关作文: 《狼和小羊》续写小鸟我的弟弟林林假如我有了翅膀我的铅笔盒作文100字看消防表演做橡皮泥自己泡茶学蛙泳记演讲比赛



  • 匪夷所思  匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。
  • 风不鸣条  和风轻拂,树枝不发出声响。比喻社会安定。
  • 安贫守道  安于贫穷,恪守信仰。
  • 匪夷匪惠  夷:殷末周初的伯夷;惠:春秋时鲁国的柳下惠。既不是伯夷,又不是柳下惠;不具备这两位贤人的品德。形容才德不高而又驾驭的人。
  • 分茅裂土  原指古代帝王分封诸侯时举行的仪式。后称分封诸侯。
  • 飞沙走砾  沙:沙土;砾:小石块。沙土飞扬,小石块滚动。形容风势很猛。
  • 白云孤飞  比喻客居他乡,思念父母。
  • 百家争鸣  指各种学术流派的自由争论互相批评。也指不同意见的争论。百家,这种观点的人或各种学术派别。鸣,发表见解。
  • 诽誉在俗  诽:指诽谤;誉:赞扬;俗:风气、习惯。诽谤或赞扬在于当时的风习。后来引申指风气、习惯的作用非常大。
  • 版版六十四  形容做事死板,不知变通。
  • 分毫不爽  比喻没有丝毫差错。
  • 挨肩擦背  形容人多拥挤。
  • 飞黄腾达  飞黄:传说中神马名;腾达:上升,引伸为发迹,宦途得意。形容骏马奔腾飞驰。比喻骤然得志,官职升得很快。
  • 肥马轻裘  裘:皮衣。骑肥壮的马,穿轻暖的皮衣。形容阔绰。
  • 不解之缘  缘:缘分。不可分解的缘分。比喻不能解脱的联系或关系。