
Be healthy_保持健康英语作文120字

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Be healthy_保持健康英语作文120字

I like to eat junk food, such as chips, Fried chicken and instant noodles. Eating junk food often makes you fat, makes you ill, and you spend a lot of money. Though I understand these things, junk food is so delicious! For my own health, I must eat healthy food and have a healthy diet. I always eat fruit, vegetables, food, etc. Eat more healthy food, I will become healthier, my body will become stronger and less likely to get sick. While eating healthy, I also need to exercise more, early to bed and early to get up early, do not look at the cell phone often, care for their eyes, do not do dangerous things, this will become healthier!

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  • 哀感顽艳  原意是指内容凄切,文辞华丽,使愚笨和聪慧的人同样受感动。后多用来指艳情的小说、戏曲、电影中的感人情节。
  • 爱憎分明  憎:恨。爱和恨的立场和态度十分鲜明。
  • 暗室逢灯  比喻在危难或困惑中,忽然遇人援救或指点引导。
  • 风不鸣条  和风轻拂,树枝不发出声响。比喻社会安定。
  • 安国富民  使国家安定,使人民富裕。
  • 安土重居  犹安土重迁。指留恋故乡,不愿轻易迁居异地。
  • 安分知足  安于本分,对自己所得到的待遇知道满足。
  • 诽誉在俗  诽:指诽谤;誉:赞扬;俗:风气、习惯。诽谤或赞扬在于当时的风习。后来引申指风气、习惯的作用非常大。
  • 分毫不爽  比喻没有丝毫差错。
  • 必争之地  敌对双方非争夺不可的战略要地。
  • 挨肩擦背  形容人多拥挤。
  • 敝帚千金  一把破扫帚,当千金那样贵重。比喻东西虽不好,但自己十分珍惜。
  • 博闻强识  闻:见闻。形容知识丰富,记忆力强。
  • 肥马轻裘  裘:皮衣。骑肥壮的马,穿轻暖的皮衣。形容阔绰。
  • 飞蛾投火  象蛾子扑火一样。比喻自找死路、自取灭亡。